Pelton Turbines

High Head, High Proformance

Our advanced Pelton Turbines are designed to excel in high head applications. Harnessing the raw power of water, these impulse turbines utilise the kinetic energy generated by water impinging on the runner bucket to drive the generator shaft, ensuring a reliable source of renewable energy.

One of the key advantages of Pelton Turbines is their ability to accommodate a wide range of flow rates. Thanks to their flat efficiency curves, these turbines deliver exceptional performance across various operating conditions. Whether you require optimal efficiency at high or low flow rates, our Pelton Turbines are engineered to meet your specific needs.

Close up of a Horizontal Pelton Turbine

Horizontal Pelton Turbine


  • Compact Design
  • Designed and manufactured for minimal maintenance.
  • Flexibility of either horizontal or vertical installation
  • Available in one to six nozzle configurations
  • Can be manufactured in a range of materials to suit the customers’ requirements.
  • Fixed, manually variable or fully automated flow regulation.
  • Runner options include fully CNC machined forgings or manually polished castings. Pin on buckets are used for smaller machines.
  • Output to 10MW per machine
Pelton Turbine on a white background

Explore Your Hydroelectric Possibilities

Take the first step towards renewable energy with Tamar Hydro. Connect with us to discuss your hydropower needs and explore the perfect turbine solution. Begin the journey to a sustainable future by completing our Turbine Enquiry Form.

Turbine Form Submission